Positano, la Festa del Pesce a Fornillo richiesta dai turisti di tutto il mondo, tanti messaggi a Positanonews

29 Giugno 2021

Positano, la Festa del Pesce a Fornillo richiesta dai turisti di tutto il mondo, tanti…

Positano, la Festa del Pesce a Fornillo richiesta dai turisti di tutto il mondo, tanti messaggi a Positanonews dimostrano che davvero è molto amata dai turisti , c’è chi ci chiede, dagli USA , informazioni turistiche. A dire il vero ci chiedono di tutto, anche sui tamponi e i vaccini, dove farli e come farli, ma ecco il messaggio


Good morning – Do you know, or have you heard, if the people leading the Festa del Pesce will return this year? I have been planning to celebrate my 40th birthday in Positano for three years (it will be on 25 Sept, my special day), and I have not found anything to confirm that the festival will occur this year or not. I don’t really know if our worldwide crisis will be under control, but I am planning to bring myself and four friends to your beautiful part of the world to celebrate. Any news? Grazie mille, ~Tiffan

E la nostra risposta

Good morning  Tiffan – The Fish Festival will not be there this year due to the restrictions due to the laws for the containment of Covid. Hopefully there will be next year. But in Positano and on the Amalfi Coast you can easily come many have been vaccinated and at the moment we are Covid free. As soon as there is news of the Fish Festival Positanonews will write it in large letters, we love the Fish Festival in Fornillo, it is one of the most beautiful in Italy. Follow and have Positanonews.it followed since 2005 online newspaper of the Amalfi Coast and Sorrento Peninsula give us also suggestions we are at the service of readers and we try to always improve. Thank you , Michele

Fonte : PositanoNews.it

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